Once again I hope everyone is staying out of the heat and hydrated. As the high heat has sucked all the ambition from me to go out and fish. So I have been working on things that involve using the A/C which includes:
- Studying for my EMT-B state certification test
- Getting things ready for school early this year
- Hanging out with some good friends
- Talking about how nice it would be to sit in a freezing deer stand
So who has the medical training?
I have spent the last few days studying for my EMT basic test, and I wondered how many people who enjoy the outdoors actually have medical training? The variety of friends I hunt, fish, and paddle with sometimes medically speaking I am on the low part of the totem pole, other times I am the only one with even basic first aid knowledge. Being with someone who is qualified give me a more secure feeling as I go on trip with friends who are emt's, nurses, firefighters, and some that serve in the armed forces. Then there are times I am the only one past the band-aid administration part which makes the trip more stressful. So even though this emt class has been a long process as it was a one night a week deal I am glad that I took it, I now feel better about medical training when I go outdoors.
Are you the one without the training?
Be Proactive:
- Take a CPR/First Aid class (http://www.redcross.org/portal/site/en/menuitem.d8aaecf214c576bf971e4cfe43181aa0/?vgnextoid=aea70c45f663b110VgnVCM10000089f0870aRCRD)
- Grab a first aid book: http://www.amazon.com/sie=UTF8&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Asurvival%20First%20aid&page=1
- Take a Wilderness survival/ first aid course http://www.ecu.edu/cs-studentaffairs/crw/programs/adventure/WildernessFirstAid.cfm
Go out-get the training so your not a newspaper story, First aid is an essential skill just as casting or shooting.
Deer season planning already
You have to understand I have not been excited for deer season in four years, quite frankly in two years I have hunted twice.
You lose a lease, get your stands stolen, someone kills your big buck, friends go separate ways and soon your burnt out on deer hunting. That has been my story but the stage is set to change.
My friend Kevin has recently moved to Greenville and found out this is no sportsman paradise, and most folks aren't interested in you hunting with them. Kevin is just back from Iraq where he served in the Army during all of deer season last year. This year we are teaming up as he has 60 acres that he hunts about 1.5 hrs away and my 100 acre property is 1hr away.
For the first time in along time I am looking forward to deer season as I have someone to enjoy it with.
On Sunday afternoon we got together and talked deer hunting while the girlfriends talked about whatever they talk about. We have plans for work that needs to be done, travel arrangements (driving together), deer stands, feeders, and all the other stuff that will go into this season. Including filming a few hunts in hopes to bring you all a cool hunting video by the end of the year.
So for now I sit, study, watch the offshore forecast, plan for deer season, and sweat every time I walk outside.
Stay Cool My Friends,