Sunday, June 17, 2012

Small Town Largemouths On The Fly

This weekend I found sometime in between working to cast a few flies. I had the luxury of fishing my home turf as I like to call the ponds around my house. There are a few disadvantages to being from a small community, most of them to do with everyone knowing what you have done wrong such as speeding down the road, or missing church on Sunday. However everyone knowing you, your folks, all your relatives and yes even your dog has its perks. Mostly in the form of fishing or hunting permission on various farms.

In the console of my truck holds a wrinkled coffee stained index card with a list that features name the nicknames of all the ponds I have access to fish. Some that include "The lighthouse", " Mr.Rossie's", "Angus Acres", "The waterholes", and a few more. 

They are not all fly fishing friendly, some require a boat others spinning outfits, but there are a few that are fit for a backcast. These few spots are where I spend most of my time trying to find that six pound or above lunker on the fly. I didn't find the one this weekend but I did find a couple of good ones and a lot of small ones. The majority fell for a black and red closer minnow fresh of my vise, and a few others on a deer hair frog. 

Different ponds bring different shades of bass. 
Caught a lot of this size.
Lucked up of this good sized one. 


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