Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finding Good Weather

Well its Thursday and we have stalked NOAA marine forecast for almost a month. The tropical storm has left the coast of North Carolina last week. The weather report is calling for 2 to 4ft sea with 5 to 15mph winds sounds like our kinda day, but you can never really trust these weather reports especially in small offshore boat.

We made the call at 1pm and by three my bags where packed and I was scrambling out the door. I was the first to make it into town and kinda late for checking the fishing report. By checking the fishing report I mean mean mugging charter boats as they take pictures with their clients. So strolling up and down the Big Rock landing I found small numbers of dolphin each boat had about six and no big bulls. Not what I wanted to see especially since the last month they have been catching around thirty a day, but we have to get out there and see for ourselves.

Most Charter boats wont give you the time of day, let alone a fishing report. I was also in search of finding a good weather report two boats gave me the "we haven't checked the weather report". Luckily I found a charter boat on the far end of the landing away from the restaurants and shops. It wasn't the prettiest sportfisher but a rugged salt worn cig smoking captain was happy to talk to me even after I told him I wasn't in the market for a trip. We talked about the fishing report, boats, the economy, and most importantly the weather.

As he smoked a cigarette he looked up the weather for me in two different places besides NOAA. The wind looks like it will be around 5mph in the morning and around 1pm it will move up to almost 20mph and seas building.

As I sat at the Ruddy Duck munching on some mean nachos waiting on Jeff to arrive, I sat back and reflected that there are still good people left in this world. I know the old captain wasn't going to give over his fishing spots but the time of day was satisfactory for me and the weather was a plus. So tomorrow we will go out and fish on our separate boats his 20 ft bigger than mine, and he will forget he even talked to me but I will remember him for trying to help me find good weather.


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